Friday, January 27, 2012

The Future of Computers

Did you ever ask yourself how your life would be if there were no computers, no internet and no cell phones? Older people can still tell us how they remember life without any of it and only having just a radio in there house if that even. No TV, no stereo sets and so many things that we have today that we depend on that they didn't have. In the early nineties there was no internet yet, although there were rumors that there was something going on on that field of technique. There trying to be able to make it that glass in the future could have several functions in our daily life. I think that would be cool.


  1. The internet no doubt makes our lives easier. But I also think that life would be simpler without it just because we would not know any different so we could cope without.

  2. IS this from an alert you read??? What is the address?
